Sunday, February 16, 2020

Healthcare services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Healthcare services - Essay Example One manifestation of these policies is the appointment of Patient Information Strategy Project Manager (PISPM) at the North Devon Primary Care Trust (PCT). North Devon PCT developed a strategy to involve the public and provide multiple services to enhance the understanding of patient needs within the PCT. They also aim to improve the knowledge based from the patients and general publics' opinion. PISPM post's performances have strengths and weaknesses but they also play an important role in leading this strategy. By improving North Devon Information Strategy, value will be added in developing a greater public involvement in North Devon PCT. Patient & Public Involvement Definition Patient & Public involvement and other allied terms are used to covey a variety of meanings. Public involvement refers to the involvement of individual patients, together with health professionals, in making decisions about their own health care (Florin & Dixon 2004). According to the Department of Health, patient and public involvement is not just about structures, it is a cultural change. It is about empowering patients and the public to have a role in health care society. ... Through these practices, the way to address the needs of the growing number of people with chronic conditions will now be appropriate and effective. Hennessy (2002) pointed out that involving individual encourages and empowers them. The sense of ownership improves health outcomes and patient experiences. On the other hand, the Trusts will also benefit from this involvement. It will provide a more responsive service, which meets the local needs. Involvement in NHS activities encourages staff to consider alternative ways of meeting the care needs and look at providing services from a different perspective which is that of the patients' perspective. Florin & Dixon (2004) indicated that involving the public may help ensure health policy decisions better reflect the values of the community. It will make services more responsive to the individuals and communities who uses them and that more responsive services will lead to improved health. Patient & Public Involvement Policies Policies to encourage public involvement in the NHS are not new. Previous governments have used various policies in an attempt to encourage democratic and informal decisions in the NHS. A review of policies from 1948 to 1997 showed that public involvement in the NHS decreased over this period (Harrison, Milewa and Dowswell 2002). In contrast, Klein & New (1996) reviewed the period from 1990 and concluded that there had been a moderate increase in democracy in the NHS. Since the Labor government came to power in 1997, a new raft of policies has been introduced with the stated aim of increased public or patient involvement. The NHS Plan, published in July 2000, aimed to give the

Monday, February 3, 2020

Source of error Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Source of error - Lab Report Example It is expressed by the equation: A source of error is described as any factor that affects the final result of an experiment. However, careful evaluation of a source of error makes it possible for experimenters to improve on their techniques. One source of error in Newton’s second law of motion is found in the incomplete definition, this is because gravitational force usually causes mass to speed up. In Newton’s definition, he excludes mentioning the effect of gravitational force as a co-effect to the variables. Therefore Newton’s law can also be expressed as; Secondly, a source of error found in the law is the systematic failure to account for constancy in change as the net force changes. It is predicted that the speed of an object mass increases constantly when the net force acting on the object itself changes. For example in these calculations; In addition, the third source of error in this law is found in the systematic or random environmental factors where Newton did not account for possible effects of environmental condition for instance temperature and how they affect the final results. For example when measuring the mass of a stone, we avoid highly ventilated rooms and use small strings on a pulley instead of large ones to minimize the percentage error. Moreover, parallax and experimental apparatus errors is a common source of error in experiments, for instance when the observers eyes is not in proper alignment with the scale the mass recorded will be faulty. It is advisable to use the null difference method instead of measuring mass directly thus creating a sensitive measuring instrument. Finally, a source of error in Newton’s law involves the rate of variation of a body which is directly proportional to the applied force and follows the direction where the force acts upon. This force as earlier said is not in