Friday, May 22, 2020

Pros and Cons of MRP II Systems

What is standing behind the MRP II systems? The question is about the manufacturing resource planning. The issue comprises special software for various segments of manufacturing companies, including material requirements planning, purchasing, capacity planning, inventory, shop floor scheduling, accounting and customer order entry. The MRP II systems are known to have both – advantages and disadvantages. As for the â€Å"pluses†, one may point to the automation and standardization of business processes leading to enhancement in cost control as well as revenue. When the question is about disadvantages, the issues are related to the misunderstanding of the limitations and impact of MRP II Systems. Advantages The MRP II is a useful tool, the main function of which is to standardize all the business processes through providing automated methods for various business segments. Standardization leads to the processes that are easily repeated as well as a platform that gives an opportunity to improve all those processes. The point is that the organization that successfully implements MRP II for the first time faces with a range of troubles regarding controlling the process of controlling the increase in transactions in purchasing, manufacturing and selling associated with growth. Besides, the MRP II systems provide the employees with an opportunity to do more and, as a result, to have a clearer visibility of information for their businesses. All the advancements in the way all the work is performed enable the company to become more competitive. Disadvantages When it comes to the disadvantages of the MRP II, one should mention the fact that the implementation of the MRP II systems requires information to be accurate. In case poor quantity info is applied either in the bill of material module or the inventory segment, this will result in automated planning processes errors. The planning modules use averages for length of particular time to manufacture (lead times) or purchase and for quantities that are usually purchased regarding the purchase order or manufactured on a work order (usually known as â€Å"lot sizes†.) In case there is variability regarding the actual lot sizes produced or bought and the lead times then the planning software won’t generate plans that go with what is actually happening. The whole point is that the lack of understanding and poor information on the lot sizes and lead times average impact can cause costly reimplementation and implementation failure. When the question is about the implementation of the MRP II systems, one should take into consideration the sequence of implementation of the MRP II systems software modules and the organization tolerance for the business processes adopting changes. As a rule, the MRP II systems are implemented in various phases allowing for a period of proving the system will function before proceeding further. The components of the first phase can be the following: purchasing, inventory and accounting. Among the other phases one can mention customer order entry, material requirements planning and shop floor control. One must remember that every module requests information and data that may be created within the system for the first time, what means it is highly important to take care of in what way information is defined and stored up to date.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Annotated Bibliography On Import Java - 719 Words

import*; import java.util.*; import*; public class FTPClient { public Socket sock = null; public BufferedReader read; public BufferedWriter write; public ServerSocket ss; public int byteTransfered; public Scanner input = new Scanner(; // Check client connect to server public boolean connected = false; public boolean exit = false; String response = null; // run the main code here public static void main(String args[]) { FTPClient c= new FTPClient(); while (!c.exit) { try { if (c.connected) { System.out.print(myftp ); } else { System.out.print(Enter Server Name: ); } String text; text = c.input.nextLine(); if(text.equals(quit)) { c.quit(); return; } else if(text.equals(ls)) {; } else { String splitString[] = text.split( , 2); String fString = splitString[0]; String sString = splitString[1]; if (fString.equals(myftp)) { c.login(sString); } else if (fString.equals(get)) { c.get(sString); } else if (fString.equals(put)) { c.put(sString); } else if (fString.equals(delete)) { c.delete(sString); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(Please use only put, get, ls, delete, and quit. ); } } } // send commands to the server private StringShow MoreRelatedAnnotated Bibliography On Import Java1518 Words   |  7 Pagesimport*; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class Processor { // Register variables static int IR, AC, X, Y, timer; static int PC = 0; static int SP = 1000; static int instructionCount = 0; static int userStack = 1000; static int systemStack = 2000; // turns to false on interrupts static boolean userMode = true; // avoid nested interrupt execution static boolean interrupt = false; public static void main(String args[]) { String file = null; //Read MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Import Java1531 Words   |  7 Pagesimport java.util.Scanner; import java.util.Random; public class PigDiceGameTwoVariation { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String input; Scanner scan = new Scanner(; Random rand = new Random(); /********************************************************** * Program : Pig Dice Game Assignment * Author : Brandee Combden * Due Date : Wednesday, September 21st, 2016. * Description : Basic Two-Dice Pig, two playersRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Import Java726 Words   |  3 Pages /*package adsa;*/ /** * * @author GOPIKRISHN */ import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.InputMismatchException; public class AdjListGraph { private int distances[]; private int nodes; public static final int MAX_VALUE = 999; private SetInteger visited; private SetInteger unvisited; private int adjacencyMatrix[][]; public AdjListGraph(int nodes) //Constructor { Read MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Import Java735 Words   |  3 Pagesimport java.awt.*; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; public class DrawMaze { public static final Color WALL_COLOR = Color.RED; public static final Color START_COLOR = Color.BLUE; public static final Color PATH_COLOR = Color.BLACK; public static final Color END_COLOR = Color.ORANGE; public static final Color BACKGROUND = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f); // Width of border in pixels public static int borderwidth = 40; //Read MoreAnnotated Bibliography On Import Java708 Words   |  3 Pages// to play, just run the program import java.applet.Applet; import java.applet.AudioClip; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem; import javax.sound.sampled.Clip; public class TTT { public static Scanner sc = new Scanner(; public static void reset(char[][] board) { for (int i = 0; i board.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j board[0].length;Read MoreBanana Used as Fertilizer11002 Words   |  45 Pagesreview on banana diseases in 1935 has resulted in a really useful chapter, whereas any attempt to cover a wider range in forty pages must have led to a treatment too superficial to be worth while. For the pests, on which no monograph exists, an annotated list is given of 182 species and five are selected for fuller treatment. In the last chapter the author returns to his special field and gives a concise but adequate summary of the aims, methods and results of banana breeding from its inception in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Forensic Psych Free Essays

Forensic Psychology Psychology involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors of the human body. It can be looked as being broken down into two categories, basic psychology and applied psychology. Basic psychology is the use of theories and fundamentals to explain how attitudes, personalities, values, and behaviors are related while applied psychology is the use of these psychological principles and theories to overcome problems in real life situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Forensic Psych or any similar topic only for you Order Now Some of the basic psychology studies include abnormal, cognitive, developmental, and social psychology. Applied psychology applies these studies in things like clinical, forensic, health, and educational psychology. I chose to explore the study of an applied type of psych, forensic psychology. Forensic psychology is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions issues relating to law and the legal system. The word ‘forensic’ comes from the Latin word ‘forensis,’ meaning ‘of the forum,’ where the law courts of ancient Rome were held. Not only does forensic psychology require understanding of the different psychological studies but also an understanding of the law and how it works. Looking at legal issues from a psychological standpoint combines psychology and the law. This form of psychology is used frequently in the legal system. Legal systems make use of forensic psychologists and their practice in evaluations of the mental status of defendants before, during and after trial proceedings. Most may think forensic psychology is only used in criminal matters but forensic psychologist may also assist in a wide variety of civil matters. Civil matters can include lawsuits or insurance claims where emotional affliction is a part of the claim. Determination of competency of an aged or ill person to make decisions, or whether a death was an accident or a â€Å"disguised suicide† in an insurance claim case are both examples of how forensic psychology can help aid certain legal cases. The idea of forensic psychology first came about in the late 1800’s. But it wasn’t until the 1900’s when a German psychologist by the name of Hugo Munsterberg claimed that psychology should be applied to the law. Even though this is a couple hundred years from today, it wasn’t until 2001 that the American Psychological Association recognized forensic psychology as a specialization under the study of psychology. In 1906, a defense attorney asked Hugo to review his convicted client’s investigation and trial records. This promoted his 1908 book â€Å"On the Witness Stand†. It detailed how psychological factors can influence the outcome of a trial. In the book, he discussed problems with eyewitness testimony, false confessions, and interrogations. Munsterberg points out that for various reasons why eye witness testimony is essentially unreliable, he describes how eye witness testimony is naturally susceptible to what he calls â€Å"illusions† where a subjects perceptions could be affected causing an inaccurate testimony. In the portion of the book that he calls â€Å"The Detection of Crime†, he discusses the many factors that can influence testimonies, gain confessions, and force confessions from those who are innocent. He explains some of the ways that police have of making suspects confess to crimes that they had not committed, some of these including making their life as uncomfortable as possible while in holding to be able to break down their energy, and â€Å"worst of all giving brutal shocks given with fiendish cruelty to the terrified imagination of the suspect. Later, in 1917 one of Munsterberg’s students, William Marston, discovered that systolic blood pressure and lying were directly correlated. This discovery helped lead the creation of the modern polygraph detector Forensic psychology was largely stagnant until the 1940s and 1950s, when psychologists began regularly testifying in courts as experts on a range of psychological topics. They became able to conduct evaluations t o help the court with mental statuses, the sanity of defendants, and legal competence. One of the first uses of forensic psychology in the court was in the landmark case Brown v. Board of Education (1954) that ended legal segregation in public schools. Psychologists showed that segregation had a negative effect on the self-esteem of young children and the court believed this was a persuasive argument. This proved that psychologists were an extremely useful form of testimony for both the plaintiffs and defendants. Another example of the importance of forensic psychologists came around in 1962 when psychologists serving as mental illness professionals were strongly supported by the court in the case Jenkins v. United States. Here the court ruled in support to psychologists being used as expert witnesses when mental illnesses are concerned. Following this example many other courts, both federal and local, began to accept the use of psychologists and psychological assessments more willingly. Psychological assessment refers to scientific methods used by psychologists for the purpose of understanding and explaining an individual’s, couple’s or family’s psychological functioning. Psychological assessments help to define and understand personality, behavior, emoti ons, intelligence, and how they come together. Such assessments help to answer diagnostic questions, to specify a person’s strengths, weaknesses and personality structure, and to explain and to predict behavior. Assessments that are used in the forensic setting are a leading activity for those whom are involved. Forensic psychological assessments are an in-depth process utilizing extensive interviewing, and standardized psychological tests, which produce reliable, valid and reproducible results. To be all-inclusive, an assessment needs to examine a range of psychological factors, such as cognitive and personality functioning, developmental history, and interpersonal relationships. These factors can be further broken down into emotional, cognitive, intellectual, developmental, executive, educational, social, neuropsychological, and physiological functioning. Information obtained from standardized psychological assessment has a normative, statistical scientific basis, as it compares the individual against data collected in samples of normal and clinically disordered individuals. It allows the evaluator to determine how similar or dissimilar this person is to people in these samples. While individuals may attempt to â€Å"look good† or â€Å"look bad† in interviews, depending on the case at hand, most test instruments contain multiple validity scales on which to evaluate the extent to which the individual is providing honest, candid, defensive, socially desirable, or exaggerated depictions of their psychological health or symptoms. An overall aim of forensic psychological assessment is to provide the basis for concluding both previous and active factors that can help to explain specific actions, and to make recommendations applicable to the legal issues at hand. The court appoints a psychologist to determine a range of things including mental state, diminished capacity, and competency. When it comes to mental state, a determination is made as to whether there is substantial evidence that the patient suffers a mental disorder. Emotions are not considered a mental disorder. The psychologist needs to consider psychological influences at the scene of the alleged crime. Depending on the outcome of the examination, the psychologist may testify in court how the impaired mental abilities â€Å"actually caused a malformation of the mental element of the crime. The psychologist does not have to be certain that the defendant’s disorder caused him or her to be unable to form the intent or knowledge or the crime, but the expert must have some belief in the â€Å"probability or possibility† that it did. Experts need to testify with reasonable medical or psychological certainty. Three main areas of defense related to mental health include di minished capacity, competency, or mitigating (justifying) circumstances. A diminished capacity assessment focuses on whether or not a person was able to comprehend the alleged crime being committed. The psychologist assessed whether the individual, in his/her opinion, was organized, purposeful, and goal oriented. The main question is, whether the defendant’s behavior was affected by a mental disorder of mood or thought, by alcohol and or drug intoxication or an irresistible impulse induced by a mental disease affecting the person so that the person is unable to resist the impulse to commit the act that he or she has been charged with. A competency evaluation assesses whether a person has the mental facility or ability to understand the legal proceedings against them. Also, the evaluation focuses on determining whether they are able to assist their attorney in their own defense. Mitigating circumstances are sometimes considered regarding the defendant’s capacity to â€Å"appreciate the wrongfulness of their conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law. † Whether a person is charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, their mental state or mental illness is an issue to consider before conviction or before sentencing. The attorney representing the accused person may request a psychological evaluation or sometimes an evaluation is court ordered. Psychological expert witness testimony may also be used in a personal injury case when the plaintiff makes a case that they suffered undue  mental or emotional  pain and suffering. In family law cases, the parties may be evaluated with regard to the best interests of the child or children, and a custody and parenting-time recommendation is made. An in-depth evaluation of the parties, an assessment of their parenting and relationships with their children, and an assessment of their children’s status and developmental needs is devised in terms of the children’s best interests and a parenting and custody plan which best meets the children eeds. The following is a list of most widely known and commonly utilized psychological tests in forensic contexts: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV) – The most recent of the adult Wechsler tests is a general test of intelligence, IQ (general measure of intellectual ability). There are 15 subtests that make up the WAIS-IV; at least 10 must be administered to derive an IQ score. In addition to providing an IQ, scores are derived on the following groups of the WAIS-IV subtests:   Verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. For adolescents and children, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition is used. Rorschach Ink Blot Method – This is a performance-based test instrument. The examinee is presented with the Rorschach inkblots and asked, â€Å"What do you see? † Score results provide insight into the individual’s basic psychological processes such as thinking, impulse control, stress tolerance, reality testing, imagination, and interpersonal relationships. Compared to self-report measures, the Rorschach is not nearly as vulnerable to impression-management or attempts to exaggerate problems. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) –  A self-report personality inventory, and is the most commonly used test in forensic psychological assessment. The MMPI-2 provides information along multiple scopes including clinical syndromes, personality characteristics, psychosocial stressors and severity of disturbance. Scoring provides a number of validity scales. There are 10 primary clinical scales and a multitude of content and symptom scales. Psychology is a growing field and will continued to be used in the legal content. It is an essential part of cases when dealing with the mentally ill and it aids in providing proper conviction, sentencing and rehabilitation. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Kitaeff, J. (2010). Forensic psychology. Pearson College Div. [ 2 ]. Fulero, S. M. , Wrightsman, L. S. (2010). Forensic psychology. (3rd ed. ). New York, NY: Wadsworth Pub Co. 3 ]. Munsterberg, H. (1909). On the witness stand: Essays on psychology and crime. New York: Doubleday, Page (74). [ 4 ]. Costanzo, M. , Krauss, D. (2011). Forensic and legal psychology. New York, NY: Worth Pub. [ 5 ]. Heilbrun, K. (2001). Principles of forensic mental health assessment. Springer. [ 6 ]. Wrightsman, L. (2001). Forensic psychology. Australia Belmont, Calif: Wadswor th Thomson Learning. [ 7 ]. Rosenfeld, Barry, Steven Penrod, and Barry Rosenfeld. Research Methods in Forensic Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2011 How to cite Forensic Psych, Papers